Thai Plastic Industrial (1994) Public Company Limited was established since 1994. The company was initially founded to produce the plastic bags to serve the family business. Thereafter, the company see the growth potential of the plastic bag market; therefore, “Makrook” brand was introduced to the market in 1995. The motto of the brand is the “Standardized, Durable, and Consistency”. Our products, which have been launched to the market, are 1. Polypropylene (PP) bag 2. High-Density Polyetehylene (HDPE) bag 3. T-shirt High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) bag. From the production capacity of 700 tons per year in the beginning to 8,000 tons of sales per year in presence. And we are still creating more value to be the best of Food Packaging Supplier in ASEAN.

Implanting 5 bag-making machine.
1996 - 2002
Increasing the production capacity to 100 tons per month
Move the factory from Phetkasem to Bangyai and increasing the production capacity to 200 tons per month
2006 - 2012
Increasing the production capacity to 300 tons per month
Starting the PVC Cling film production line with the production capacity of 270 tons per month.
Increasing the production capacity to 600 tons per month to serve the increasing market demand.
Thai Plastic Industrial (1994) PCL.
With the beginning of production of only 600 tons per year, the company has committed to developing the current production capacity of over 9,600 tons per year. Polyvinyl Chloride “Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)” or food preservation film Which has a total production capacity of 1,440 tons per year.
YEAR 1995
Implanting 5 bag-making machine.

YEAR 1996- 2002
Increasing the production capacity to 100 tons per month
YEAR 2005
Move the factory from Phetkasem to Bangyai and increasing the production capacity to 200 tons per month

YEAR 2006-2012
Increasing the production capacity to 300 tons per month
YEAR 2014
Starting the PVC Cling film production line with the production capacity of 270 tons per month.

YEAR 2015
Increasing the production capacity to 600 tons per month to serve the increasing market demand.